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Thursday, May 26, 2022

Last Day of 4th and 6th Grades!

I have no idea what happened to the time, but today was the last day of school.  

Cade finished 6th and will be heading to the JR High School.  This past year was a year of academic growth for Cade as well as physical.  He excelled with 4 GT classes and TAP (advanced placement) on top of that.  All his cumulative grades were over a 97 and several classes were straight 100's for the year.  We had the usual late night study jam when we forgot a test was coming, the arguments about why we should or should not do "extra credit" assignments, and stubbornness when we required that he always go beyond.  He took a more active role in his grades this year, checking grades online and starting to understand how major/minor grades work together.  Orchestra was another highlight for the year, and he read too many books to count in his free time.  After school he enjoyed hanging with friends to play basketball, riding bikes, or lounging on the couch and reading.  He is looking forward to athletics and playing football next year.  We also celebrated that he passed a special math test that allows him to take a summer pre-course and then move up to Algebra 1 next year as a 7th grader (this is a 9th grade course).  It was fun to see the pride on his face when we told him.  Now we just have 23 small online lessons to finish, ha!  The other amazing thing was his height. He started 6th grade as 5'3" and is now 5'7".  This was a year of growth both inside and out!  

Caelin finished 4th grade and will be headed to the Intermediate school.  She LOVED her teachers, Ms. Wenzl and Ms. Silva.  They also helped really bring her out of her shell and throughout the year she was known to keep them laughing.  She also opened up a lot more and gained several new friends in numerous classes (this is hard for a shy person!).  I love the way that her teachers encouraged her along the way and continued to build her positive character.  Caelin also excelled in academics with All A's and E's in conduct.  Having a speaking part in the 4th grade show, starting weekly horseback riding lessons, and being the A+ student were some of her most cherished highlights.  After school she was known to be drawing, playing on the computer, watching funny TV shows and begging for sleepovers.  Although she only grew an inch or two in height, her shoe size grew to a size 7 in women's.  She loves to taunt me and try on my shoes!  Today was a HUGE party day for Caelin as her class signed Class of 2030 t-shirts, had an ice cream sundae bar, and played games.  

Both kids ended the day with pool parties with friends...the perfect way to the end the school year.  Helllllooooooooo summer!

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