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Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy 7 Months Caelin

Well, another month has passed and our Princess is now 7 months. Not sure where the time has gone. I remember waddling in to work at 14 months pregnant (ok, I guess maybe it just FELT like 14 months), and setting up her room. I remember rocking her little 7lbs our first night home and watching Cade light up when his "little baby sister Caelin" needed a kiss from him. Caelin remains to be very even tempered. She hardly cries and is always so patient. Her big eyes have remained a bright blue in color, so we may have to figt off the boys when she is older! I believe she gets the beautiful eye color from my Grandmother, Mary Parks. Grandma's eyes were so beautiful and the bluest I have ever seen! It makes me happy to see those little traits passed on. With her, she is happy sitting in her car seat or swing and watching us cook dinner or cleaning. She is really becoming interactive now as well. She enjoys playing with us and laughs out loud when we play. My absolute favorite is when she is watching you and starts slowly smiling until her pacifier falls out of her mouth! She still mimics what sounds you will make (she loves to talk) and would prefer to be held so that she is in all the action. We still do not have any teeth yet, but anticipate one any day now. I got my first tooth at 7 months and 10 maybe we might see something in 10 days! Cade and Charles both got their first tooth at exactly 6 months and 2 days. So, maybe its a girl and boy thing. :) With her interacting more, she has taken more of an interest in cause/effect toys and anything with music. She plays daily with an "activity center" that Nana/Papa got her for Christmas. She loves to turn the knobs, play with the blocks, and the pop up toys on it. I have caught her a few times in the last few weeks banging the blocks together, so we are improving our fine motor skills! A toy cell phone is also one of her favorites, along with her baby doll. As far as food goes, she likes to eat! She eats a morning/night 7oz bottle with the middle feedings having food. A typical feeding during the day is 2 oz of food, 3 Tbl rice cereal and 5 oz of breast milk. Caelin eats every 4 hours and has eaten just about every vegetable and fruit by now. So, I guess next we might move to stage 2 foods soon. I gotta be honest...I am not liking how fast my babies are growing! For our bedtime routine, Caelin will drink her night time bottle while we read and then we lay her down. She goes to bed on weeknights around 8:30pm and will sleep till about 7:00am. So, she is generally a 10-11 hour sleeper. That is a huge blessing! Pacifiers are still her best friend at this point and we are constantly searching for them under the couch, in the playyard or anywhere else. They seem to bounce, roll, and hide from us! We are constantly amazed at what she is accomplishing and cannot wait to see what this month brings!

We love you Caelin, Mommy, Daddy, Cade & Baylor

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