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Thursday, February 28, 2013


One thing that I have always wanted to do is read the entire Bible.  I was saved on October 16th, 1993 when I was in middle school by a friend named Candice Shubert.  I have heard all the usual stories and done most studies involving the more popular books of the Bible (Proverbs, Genesis, Romans, etc)...but have not read the entire thing.  I must pause here to also say that I am really not a "reader" in general.  I do not prefer to snuggle up with a good book like Charles or sister Mendy.  I am a slow reader and for that alone, just not a typical reader.  Over a year ago, our church proposed that the church body all participate in a challenge to "read the Bible in a year".  So, the church posted a year long schedule involving chronological readings every day for a year.  The challenge started January 7th of 2012.  As of this morning at 6:45am, I FINISHED!!  I was actually supposed to finish about 7 weeks ago, but like I said...I am a slow reader!  I need time to really process and think about the readings.  I didn't give up, even when I was at times 2 weeks behind.  So, I am proud to say I have actually read the Bible cover to cover!  Words are never enough to sum up what I learned, or what the larger picture is.  It was shocking how I could laugh, get angry, and cry all while reading the same book.  I learned so many things about why I believe what I do, what I need to work on as a person, and the history behind our religion.  I can only end by saying I cannot believe I did not read it sooner!  It is a book that will change your way of thinking and life forever.

1 comment:

M & M said...

Congratulations! So proud of you... (especially hard with two little ones)