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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Last day of Preschool for Cade and MDO of Caelin!

Oh my, where did a year go?  It frightens me to know a year just passed by before my eyes.  Cade finished Preschool and will start PK next year at CFBC (4 days/week) and Caelin finished MDO and will officially start Preschool at CFBC (3 days/week).  I cannot even begin to think about me writing this post next year when Cade is getting ready for Kindergarten.  Both of them have changed so much in a year.  They each got to pick their breakfast on the last day of school and both picked Eggs with Toast/Jam.  They were so excited to give their teachers gifts and start the summer!  I had the joy of taking them to school, and Daddy/Gamee picked them up.  Of course Gamee had goodies for them and they were excited to see her recovering well.

This year Cade had Mrs. Nancy as his teacher and Ms. Ivania as her assistant.  Ms. Ivania was with Cade last year and my has he changed!  Cade is still our hyperactive little boy, but we had FAR LESS trips to time out this year compared to last.  Earlier in the year, his report card had "mostly" next to following school rules and "needs work" next to play cooperatively with others.  By the end of the year, he really learned to follow the rules and had made some great friends.  There were a few reports of him standing or walking around the room during circle time on rug, but we managed to get through thanks to some great teaching skills.  He grew to really love Mrs. Nancy and respected her a lot.  On the last day, Cade told me he was "really gonna miss those nice ladies!"  Looking back on the last 2 months, we have also seemed to make it out of our screaming and unprovoked rages more.  This is how I know he is truly growing and his maturity is coming in.  Cade is a joy to be around and VERY intelligent.  Yes, I know most parents say that, but remember I have a degree as a Diagnostician (hehehe).  Cade can now count to 20 for me, recognize pretty much all letters (he mixes up J, K, U, V, and W), can do dot to dot to 10, can cut with direction and control, write his name (still working on letter formation a bit), complete up to 3 part patterns, do buttons/snaps on clothes, and has mastered language development for sure!  I am SO PROUD of his hard work and his love for school now.  I pray it continues to grow.  CONGRATS Cade Beatty, we love you!

Caelin had Mrs. Stefanie as her teacher this year and Ms. Lauren as the assistant.  Sometimes I think she loved them more than me!  Caelin's big growth this year was in language.  She started the year with a few words and a lot of pointing and sometimes grunting.  Not anymore!  She is now our talker and is hard to make quiet (I have no idea where she gets that from).  Caelin appears to be our free spirited child who has the wild hair to match her personality.  We have often nicknamed her "little pistol" as she comes firing out at top speeds at any given moment.  She loves to be outdoors, get dirty and do artwork.  I have watched her many times walk like a pro into class and go straight over to a crying friend and hug them or start playing with them.  Even with a fiery attitude, her compassion is amazing.  She has a grasp on following directions (so far) and was always right in line with the entire class.  I love how she walks right into her class, puts away her lunch/backpack/napmat, and goes to play.  She is a routine driven child and never ceases to amaze me at what she can accomplish for such a little thing.  We love you Caelin Roe and are proud of you.  Can't wait to see what your Preschool year brings!

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