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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Cade and Caelin's Christmas Program

Here are some pictures from the Christmas program today at CFBC Weekday Education.  I was a bit emotional as this was the first program the kids have done together, Cade's last at CFBC, and Caelin's first.  I guess this is part of the growing pains of young kids.  It was also special because they have practiced for this every day and talked about it together.  They were very proud and I was too.  Cade stood tall on the top row with his Bumblebee class, and Caelin was on the front row with her orange caterpillar class.  Cade's class had a video at beginning and he was dressed like a Sheppard.  He had the audience laughing when he coughed and then yawned on the video.  I took a pic of the video on screen for proof.  The rest of the performance was all the children singing and doing sign language to some fun songs.  Cade did all the hand motions this year, and although he did not smile...I could tell he was having fun.  Caelin was on the bottom row towards left.  She participated well and stood firm following directions even when the boy next to her was sitting.  She did a lot of hand movements, but missed some singing due to a running nose that needed attention.  We were so very proud of them both.  I hate that they are growing up, but am blessed to watch them accomplish all the things they do.  We love our beautiful babies!

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