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Monday, January 14, 2019

We have 2 new bike riders in the house!

Cade has been working hard these past few weeks on riding his bike.  Gamee and Grampee also helped by teaching new tricks like balancing on the bike, riding down driveways without the petals first, etc.  Cade was not confident at first although we ALL knew he could do it.  A few scrapes and bruises were picked up along the way, but that is just the right of passage I think.  As soon as he started to get the hang of it, he just took off!  Of course, steering and the brakes still needed a few more days of practice, but we were so proud.  My favorite part was watching his face when he figured out he really could do it.  Cade is such a brilliant young man and can do ANYTHING he puts his mind to.  Caelin saw Cade's success but was still not ready to lose her training wheels.  Tonight we just told her they had to come off.  There were tears, but we both knew she was more than ready.  Daddy and I took turns running alongside her while the tears flowed (and some arguing that she was very mad at us).  Within a few minutes, she was doing it on her own!  Of course, once they both found out they can ride their bikes to friends houses, they were sold on practicing.  What a great milestone for them both.  I am so excited for summer bike rides around the lake!

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