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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Welcome 2019!

2018 was focused on "TODAY is the day that the Lord has Made," Psalm 118:24.  In 2018, I strived to seize every day with joy. This does not mean you ignore negative things going on around you, but to stand firm in the storm and CHOOSE JOY.  So many times in life I have allowed myself to be happy only when those around me are happy. However, God reminds me that happiness is first within ourselves. 2018 brought so many changes that I sometimes felt like I was turning in circles trying to keep 10 plates spinning at once.  It is true that we as humans are creatures of habit.  So to have a new home, a new school for kids, new community, and new jobs for Charles and I was a bit overwhelming at times.  I was blessed to have had daily reminders to seize the day.  I am proud that 2018 is considered one of the best years of my life as God did great things and I learned a lot about myself.  If we do not slow down and look around, we miss the MORE in each moment...more joy and more opportunities.  I have thought long about what I wanted my focus to be in 2019.  It is hard to nail down one thing. Of course, I have resolutions: eat healthier, keep working out, build a behavior program for students in my job, have stronger relationships with others, etc.  When I ask myself "what does God want me to accomplish this year", it took a while to find a specific answer.  I guess the one thing I continue to hear is "draw closer to me," James 4:8.  For me, this means reading the Bible and spending time with God DAILY.  To accomplish this, I know Ephesians 5:16 will be a verse of 2019 which states to "make the BEST use of time".  One of the ways I plan to do this is by reading the entire Bible in one year.  Since I drive 25 minutes to and from work daily, that is almost an hour of listening to the Bible.  So, that will be one of the changes as I work to "make use of my time" better.  As I look back on 2018 and smile, I am filled with happiness knowing that 2019 is going to bring blessings I cannot see at this moment. Let's do this! 

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