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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

So long to a fabulous year and DECADE!

It feels weird to be writing another “decade”.  When I look back on the last 10 years, I am overwhelmed by the LIFE that has happened in that dash.  One thing I am proud of is that we LIVED during the dash between those dates of 2010-2019.  Most of our best memories took place in the last decade and we are grateful for God that we all remained healthy and able to serve him during this time.  We have 14 blog books (each over 240 pages) filled with memories and pictures to prove it.  While we have memories that also broke our hearts, we have so much to be thankful for even amidst times of tragedy.  We cannot wait to see all of God’s blessings and adventures that he provides in 2020 and this next decade.  Some MAJOR highlights over the last ten years include:

Charles and I transitioned from being the parents of our fur baby Baylor to being the parents of 2 children as well in 2009 and 2011.  It is hard to believe that Caelin is now 8 years old and Cade is now 10 years old.
- In 2015, Daddy (Papa) passed away and left us with a HUGE hole in our hearts that can never be filled.  Yes, I am confident that I will see him again.  However, the pain of not being able to hear his voice or feel his hug anymore is still too much to handle at times.  Not a day goes by that I do not think of him or we laugh with the kids about funny stories.
- After 12.5 years of love and loyalty, we lost our precious Baylor to be with Jesus in 2016.  It was hard on us all to say goodbye as he was such a special part of the family.
- Our hearts welcomed a new puppy, Bear, into our home in March of 2017.  It did not take long for us to fall in love with such a cheerful spirit and loving puppy.  He helped heal our hearts in so many ways.
- God blessed us with many different jobs in serving others in Klein ISD and Tomball ISD.  Between the 2 of us, God led us to 8 new roles (4 each) where we could bless the students, staff, and families we work with.
- After 15 years on Piney Way Drive (closed on that house June 27, 2003), we were excited to launch a new adventure in a larger home in Pinehurst, TX.  We all cried over having to leave our neighbors (especially the Pagnozzi’s and Koonts’), but God quickly showed us that we had been blessed beyond measure with our new community and friendships in February 2018.
- We added 3 new cousins to our family (Jaxson- 2010, Andrew- 2012, and Jacob- 2015)!
- The kids tried LOTS of new sports: dance, gymnastics, soccer, t-ball, flag football, wrestling, tackle football, etc. 
- Charles and I celebrated 15 years of marriage in Cancun (2019), Nana and Papa celebrated 46th wedding anniversary before Papa went home to Heaven, and Gamee and Grampee celebrated 43 years of marriage.  Such great testimonies of LOVE!
- Charles and I both celebrated our 20 year High School Reunions (2018/2019).
- Charles turned 40 years old on Sept 19, 1979!
- I adventured on an unexpected path with a spinal fusion on lower back that led to numerous blood clots and ICU for over a week (2017).  Praise God for a complete healing and diagnosis of hereditary blood clotting disorder that I can manage easily.
Traveled to: all over Texas, Cruised to Bahamas (Stacy), Cruised to Mediterranean/Florida, 6 trips to San Destin, FL, many trips to Waco for Baylor FB, Bowl game in Arizona & Orlando (Charles), Las Vegas (Stacy), Orlando as a family (x2), Mobile, AL, New Orleans as a family (x2), Horseshoe Bay with the Parks’, and Germany for a mission trip (Charles).

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