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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Corona Update

It can be said that the quarantine has not been easy of fun for many people. Thankfully during this time, we have had the opportunity to be together as a family. Since both of us parents work for school districts we have been able to work from home thus keeping us from having to worry about childcare for the kids during this time. Also, this means that we have been able to help the kids as they work through their remote learning through Decker Prairie Elementary. Both Cade and Caelin work hard each week to complete all their work.  It may not have been their favorite thing to do in the mornings, but they have been faithful and not complained too much (probably because of their amazing teachers).  They have however enjoyed that they can pace themselves and for the most part complete all their work by Tuesday/Wednesday each week. Of course, this then allows them time to do video calls with friends, go to the pool, pick blackberries, ride bikes, watch movies, go for walks, and simply spend more time with each other.
As parents, we have been working at trying to find the balance between work and home while working from home. Normally work can be left at the office, but when the home becomes the office it is not always easy.  Thankfully an ongoing balance was found on most days. Stacy assisted Principals with campus concerns, prepared online trainings, attended virtual trainings and began her transition to a new department for the 20-21 school year. Charles posted lessons, made phone calls to students, attended weekly zoom calls, and organized virtual meetings with his students.  Despite both being immensely busy, time for family could still be found daily. We have been able to eat dinner as a family every night, help each other in times of need, laugh playing board games, and lots of outdoor activities.  Most refreshing was the ability to slow down the family schedule and simplify our daily activities. Family favorites included: baking/cooking, building forts, sleeping in tents, giving each other pedicures, watching Daddy's hair grow into a fro, watching Caelin loose 2 teeth thus far, wearing masks into any store (although Daddy is really the only one who gets out weekly to go to HEB), and picking up the weekly food supplies from Tomball ISD to help with breakfast and lunches.  While it can not be said that everything was seamless during this time, it has been a blessing that will impact our family for the rest of our lives.

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