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Sunday, April 12, 2020


This Easter was definitely unique from past years, but the celebration that Jesus has risen was always present.  Even in uncertain times such as these, one thing that will always remain true is Jesus.  We did our own Easter egg hunt since all community events were closed.  The neighborhood had a "We've been egged" hunt that was passed along between neighbors where you would hide a dozen filled eggs in a neighbor's yard and then ring the doorbell.  We were blessed to been able to receive and bless others a few times with this.  We also had a special treat by the Joyce family who left a glow in the dark Easter egg hunt the night before Easter Sunday.  While these may not have been the traditional Easter egg hunts we were used to, they left memories that we will never forget.   Worship service was also a bit unique this year in the sense that we started the day with church at home.  We have learned through this experience is that Church is not a building, it's the people.  Our family may have missed being in the sanctuary with 1K others, but it was a blessing to snuggle on the couch as a family while sipping coffee.  After church, we opened our Easter baskets from the Easter Bunny, hunted eggs outside as a family, Facetimed Nana and the Blevins family, and made deviled eggs to take to Gamee & Grampee's.  It was a nice to relax before heading over to Gamee and Grampee's to celebrate for dinner.

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