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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

From the lips of my 2 year old

I thought I better post before I forget some comments I have heard Cade say in the last few months and funny moments.  You never REALLY know what he is going to say/do, and he is becoming quite the little social talker.  Many times per day, we stop and laugh at some of his actions/words.  We love you Cade!

1- "Mommy, let's be happy and watch Nick Jr on demand!"
2- Laughs so hard when someone says "bless you".
3- When Caelin was crying in the car, Cade said, Help Mommy, she is fussin up a bucket!"
4- After helping me cook, he demanded that "Daddy say thanks to us BOTH for cooking dinner"!
5- "It's silly talk when people talk about sleeping in their underwear."
6- After being in bed for about 20 minutes, he yells through the monitor, "Mommy, Daddy, I am all done now, I had a good nap!"
7- When leaving his 3 yr doc apt, Dr. Kravitz was asking about his BD party.  Cade replied, "I have a tutle shit."  We asked several times startled and getting embarrassed before I figured out he was saying, "I have a TURTLE SHIRT."  Red faced I explained that he has a new turtle shirt he gets to wear to his BD party...and also that we would be working on our "r" sounds.
8- The most important thing he says is his bedtime prayer.  We have the food prayer down for a long time ("God is good, God is great, let us thank him for this food, AMEN!"...or Grampee's version ends with an additional "Hallelujah"), but the bedtime prayer is much longer and we are so proud of him for saying it by himself every night.  He learned this from a stuffed angel we named Billy.  Cade has listened to Billy say it for over 2 years now at bedtime and can now recite it.  It goes like this...
"Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep, 
the Angels watch me through the night,
and keep me in His blessed sight.

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