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Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Cade Beatty


I wish I could lie and say how happy I am to be writing this, but I just can't.  I can already barely read the letters on the keyboard through the tears!  My heart truly is filled so much with love and happiness since you have arrived.  It is hard to even imagine life without you.  3 years ago, we awaited your arrival at the hospital with the family.  I had NO IDEA what God had in store for us.  As the days and years have passed, our happiness has grown so much that our hearts hurt to even let go of you at times.  I love your "monkey hugs", the way you pucker to give me a fish kiss, your love for Caelin, the way you try to lasso Baylor and ride him while wearing your cowboy hat, the way you watch videos in Japanese as if you completely understand, the way you tell Caelin "I lub you, nighty night night", the way you help pick up around the house and do "chores" by cleaning your room, the way you smile at me when you take the first bite of dinner and you like it, and the look on your face when you and Daddy wrestle.  You had a busy year this past year with Mother's Day Out, Baylor FB games, Halloween as He-Man, Baylor U Homecoming, Polar Express Train ride, Christmas in Round Rock, growing Butterflies with Gamee, potty training, Family Vacations at the beach/Sea World, Caelin's 1st BD and so much more!
Words will never be enough to tell you how much we adore you Cade.  We have watched you grow into this intelligent 3 year old in the blink of our eyes.  That makes me the saddest knowing that time flies so fast and I wish I could slow it down.  However, I also know that God has so many more memories for us to build and that helps me let go a little in anticipation for everything ahead.  Please never doubt how much we love you.  We will always be here to pick you up whether it is a broken leg or a broken heart.  There is NOTHING we wouldn't do to ensure you love life and run your race for God.  This next year is going to be such a fun year with many adventures for you.  We can't wait to watch you continue to grow.  We love you all the way around the world and back again!

Mommy and Daddy
To celebrate your special day, Mommy woke you up with a cupcake in bed.  You thought it was sooo cool to eat a cupcake in bed!  Once we got Caelin up, we headed off with Gamee to the Woodland's Children Museum.  We had so much fun playing groceries, digging with trucks, fishing, playing with trains, etc.  You always have a blast there!  We then took you to lunch at McDonald's before heading home for a nap.  After nap, we had dinner with Gamee/Grampee at our house so we could open your present.  You were so excited when you saw your Pirate ship and pirate men.  In fact, you played with them until we made you go to bed!  Tomorrow will be another fun day with your BD party with family!
About You:

Height/Weight: 40 inches (96%), and 40 lbs (98%)...interesting that your Daddy was 40.25'' and 50lbs at the same age as you!

Your favorite things to do:  Watch a "show" on TV, Play on Gamee's "pone" (phone), play ball, read books, play fireman/policeman, puzzles, etc

Favorite Toys: He-man, Pirates, CARS/TRUCKS, superheros (batman, superman, etc), and any computer/iPhone/iPad

Favorite shows: Umi Zoomi, Dora, Go Diego Go, Dinosaur Dan, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Tom and Jerry, and Scooby Doo

Favorite snacks: Fruit snacks, strawberries, fruit loops, animal crackers, and chocolate milk

Favorite food places: Chick-Fil-A, Valley Ranch BBQ (AKA: train place), and Yogurt Works

Favorite Pajamas: Fireman or dinosaur

You can't go to bed without: A vitamin (you think it's a gummy bear...hahahaha), brushing teeth, and a book

Always by your side: MR. FROGGY (you sleep with him, watch TV, and take him in the car with you)

What you want for your BD (these are responses from the last few weeks): toys, firemen, bananas, phone like Gamee's, candy, Diego on TV, and balls for outside

Important things for others to know about you: you are a happy little boy with amazing manners, you are one of those who NEED a 2 hour nap still daily and 10hrs of sleep every night, almost done with potty training, you DO NOT like to be hungry and can become cranky FAST (just like Mommy), you try to be friends with everyone, you have high levels of energy and enjoy burning calories, and you love going new places.

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