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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter's almost here!

I get giddy about this time every year when i think about how our Lord rose from the Dead to save US! It still brings emotions to me and i pray that everyone takes this time to reflect on the reason for Easter. Sure, we love seeing the beautiful lil girls in Easter dresses, boys finding eggs with their baskets, the loads of candy, and the Easter bunny coming to visit...BUT, I believe I get more excited about the real reason, our LORD rising from the Dead!! Anyway, that is my "blog"...just wanted to leave you with a reminder about what Easter is.

Now, here is what Baby BOY Hall has been up to this week. We are starting week 22, so here is week 21's information. As for names, don't worry... we will share names when we get some...but for now, no names are even close (remember we have both worked in schools for over 5 years!)!

"How your baby's growing: Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better."

I have noticed the "nudges" in the last few weeks and they are my FAVORITE! I missed the whole butterfly stage...but my little boy is definitely nudging his Mommy. Now, he just needs to be compliant and do it when Daddy is feeling for it! I think he believes it is a game to hide from Daddy!


Mendy said...

I love you Baby Boy Hall. You are so popular already, your little cousin Mackenzie talked about you at daycare today in circle time. She says "Baby Boy, Baby Boy, Aunt TayTay having Baby Boy." And then she stuffs her shirt with a stuffed animal to look like she is pregnant! She loves you soooo much already! See you soon little man:)

M & M said...

Ha Ha about the names. Boy, can I relate to that!

Shelly said...

isn't it great to say the words "my little boy"

Chris and Kim said...

I know what you mean about being a teacher and picking names! I would come up with a name, and Chris would say, "No, I have a student named that" and then give me a bad face. Or, I'd do the same to him in return. But you'll find one that will fit perfectly!