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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Another month flew by

Again another month flew by and here we are at 10 months.  I am starting to get a little anxiety knowing the next two will fly by and soon I will be forced to say I have a 1 year old.  Can it be true?  Unfortunately it is.  Caelin had a busy little month!  She is quite the crawler now and loves to explore behind couches, under beds, and anything she sees.  The only problem is that she is not as brave as Cade and when finding herself in a pickle, will automatically cry for help or become scared.  This of course is not a problem for me as I LOVE to come to her rescue and be her hero!  I am sure this is foreshadowing something...hmmmm.  She will say "Dada/Mama" echolalic style, but not quite on her own initiation.  I have asked her a few times, "Where is Dada?," and she will look in his direction!  She also loves to pull up on things.  A few times she has moved her hands and taken a few side steps, but not much.  The other day, she grabbed onto Cade's dump truck and walked behind it about 4-5 steps!  I laugh out loud when I see her pull up and then she gets this proud look on her face and opens her mouth real big!  She will mimic things you do like stick out tongue, blow kisses, and head nods.  My favorite thing is when we say, "Are you so big?," and she will put her hands way up high while we say, "Soooooo big"!  She will also give me kisses!  She leans in and opens her mouth!  It is slobbery and I love it anyway!  Caelin Roe, affectionately called "Caelin Baelin Roe" by Cade, is still attached to her pacifiers.  It is a must for any tired times, sleeping, or down times during the day.  Her favorite person is Cade.  She laughs hardest at him, and seems to always be on the look out for her big brother!  She is becoming interested in his toys and we have had to start learning to share more at home.  She loves any toys that make noise or light up.  She has taken a liking to a play phone and dolls at home.  The other day, she even held the phone up to the side of her head...again foreshadowing?  She continues to appear to be more of a listener than a talker, but time should tell.  Maybe her brother just does so much talking she doesn't have a chance to interrupt!  Hahaha! Caelin still takes 1-2 naps during the day and sleeps 11-12 hours at night.  She is also eating more solids including: puffs, wagon wheels, yogurt bites, and any bits of food that are soft (really ripened fruits).  She will also let you know if she does not like a food.  She does this clenching of the lips deal and looks at you as if to say, "I dare ya!"  In addition, she drinks about 24oz of breastmilk per day.  We have tried to get her to drink from a sippy cup, but she has not been as easy as Cade.  She surprised us the other day when she drank from a straw cup at Gamee's!  Reminded me of the story I always hear my Mom tell of when my Gangaw let me first drink from a straw.  No one thought I would do it, but my Gangaw had faith.  She put the straw of her "big orange" in my mouth and I almost drank the whole thing!  It's true...we are all born with the sucking reflex...hahaha.  Our little Princess wears 9-12 month clothing, and seems to be right at the 50% mark on growth charts.  It was a busy month with Caelin.  We are so blessed to have such a healthy and happy baby girl.  Happy 10 months Caelin, you will always be our "angel".

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