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Sunday, July 21, 2013

McCharen Reunion 2013

We had the McCharen family reunion at T Bar M Ranch and Resort again this year.  It was an easy drive coming from Sea World which is about an hour away.  Perfect when you have small kids!  T Bar M was a perfect location yet again.  The resort offers putt putt, swimming, a rec center, play areas, dinners, smores, outdoor movies, and so much more.  It is also close to the city of Gruene so the Guadalupe and country atmosphere is close by.  When we first arrived, the kids just played in the meeting room until cousins started to arrive and then everyone was awake with the chasing and screaming!  Gamee had bought some plungers for a family game, so those were a big hit for the kids.  Go figure.  The family enjoyed doing puzzles and catching up all afternoon before heading out to various locations for dinner.  Our clan went to Mamacitas while others explored New Braunsfels or Gruene Restaurants.  After dinner, we enjoyed smores, popcorn and another outdoor movie before heading off to bed (see a theme?).  It is nice just to relax and have no certain plans.  This is what summer is all plans and relaxing with family!

Saturday morning, the real fun began.  Gamee was in charge of the reunion again this year and had games all set to go.  The artists of the family attempted play-dough faces of other family members, while others looked at old photos, played cards/dominoes, or bid on auction items.  No matter what you were doing, everyone was on deck for the fierce BINGO game that soon followed.  Winners were able to pick prizes or win free dinner passes for the family dinner that night.  Some were quite competitive, but everyone had a great time.  After that the four of us headed off to the Gristmill Restaurant in Gruene for lunch.  While we waited to be seated, we had fun listening to a singer on stage and dancing around.  When we were seated it was a nice shady spot with a view of the hill country.  PERFECT for a relaxing lunch.  After lunch we headed off to the General Store to get Lollipops before heading back to the relay races.  We knew Gamee had something up her sleeve, and we didn't want to miss it!  First we split up into 4 teams.  The games included a toilet paper roll out relay, an Oreo contest where you had to get a cookie from your forehead to your mouth and eat it, a suction game where team members had to use a straw to suction an M&M while they walked across the room to place it in a cup, solo cup stacking contests, and much more.  We laughed so hard, and eventually the winning team came out to be Team 4 (Charles' Team).  So, I guess he has bragging rights for another year!  After the relays we played an "optional" game where the wives had plungers between their legs and the husbands held toilet paper between their legs.  The wives would then run across the room and try to put the toilet paper from between their husbands knees onto their plunger.  Let's just say I only got a few pics from laughing so hard, but everyone was eventually successful.  I really cannot say much more than that!  Great Job Gamee on a well planned reunion and relays!  That night was filled with a family BBQ dinner, Auction winners announced, and a family church service.  What a day we had.

Sunday morning meant breakfast in the dining hall with everyone before we started to all part ways.  It is bittersweet, but I know we will see everyone next year.  We are so blessed to have family like we do.  Many families complain about the planning, pricing, and/or never commit to seeing each other every year.  Not the McCharen Clan!  The original founders, William and Elizabeth McCharen, would be so blessed to know we have this annually.  In fact, we even had 4 new family members step up to plan it for next year together!  No matter what, we always know we will see everyone at the family reunion.  Thanks to God for all the memories of this past reunion and the family members involved.  We pray for those who couldn't make it this year and for the health of everyone.  See yall next year!

A genealogy note: William and Elizabeth McCharen had 10 children.  One of those 10 children was Elam Beatty McCharen, who Charles and Cade are named after.  Elam married Vergys (who we call Mamee).  Although Elam Beatty went to be with the Lord years ago, Mamee is 99 years old and still enjoying life in Virginia.  Mamee is Cade/Caelin's Great-Great-Grandma.  What a legacy of life and family!

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