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Saturday, December 12, 2020

Santa and Cookies!

One of our favorite traditions with the Hall family is seeing Santa & decorating cookies each year!  Santa was jolly as usual and Cade asked for a PS4 game (Spiderman Miles Morales) and A Nerf Pharaoh Blaster gun.  Caelin was shy as usual, but overcame her shyness to ask for a Mini fridge and LED lights for her room.  I guess we have a remodel coming, ha!  After Santa, we went back to Gamee and Grampee's for lunch and cookie decorating.  Gamee makes the BEST cookies and then the kids get to use all kids of coloring in her icing to make their creations.  The kids crack me up with their creativity and Christmas "monsters", while Charles made a poop emoji cookie, Grampee tried his best like me (yikes) with a few Christmas trees, and then Gamee made the best looking reindeer ever.  Ha!  Jacob and Andrew also joined in with their colorful creations.  The laughter and colored icing all over the table were the indicators of success. 

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