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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

36 weeks for Little Miss Caelin

Here we are at 36 weeks for Caelin. It won't be long now before she is here and our family is a family of 5 (Yes, I will always count Baylor!). I think we have done everything to prepare for her arrival, now we just wait. I went to the doc today and here are the stats...

- Weight: Lost one pound this week...which is good since I gained 4.5 last week!

- BP: 98/66

- Caelin's HR: 146

- Dilation: 0

- Effacement: 0%

- Other: slowly we are showing signs of labor such as tightening and Braxton Hicks, but the doc still thinks she will hold out till July 8th. We shall see! I guess our doc apt next Tuesday will be the best indicator when we see if I have dilated any. Until then, the Doc wants me to rest and try not to be on my feet as much. We will see how that goes with my little Angel Cade since he doesn't really prefer I sit down that much! But, I am glad that now I am off of work until October and able to spend more time with him and Caelin when she comes. Praise God for that!


Amy Mahrer said...

Congrats on Caelin! You will love two, much less sleep but twice the love! I went into labor at 37 weeks (at 11 at night) after being at a 0 so you never know! At least you are packed, we weren't ready AT ALL!

Congrats! She needs some Alpha Chi red and green!

Chris & Courtney said...

So excited for you guys! Enjoy the time off through the fall; I know I will!!!