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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Children's Museum

I know I am supposed to be "taking it easy", but I want to try and get out and spend as much time with Cade as we can now. A part of me feels like our time together is closing in, and I want him to know how loved he is! So, we decided to take Cade to the Houston Children's Museum yesterday. It was SO MUCH fun and even Gam-ee got to come along! We started the day by all going to the donut shop and then heading downtown. I did find times to just sit and relax, and I loved taking all the pictures of Cade and his new discoveries. Yesterday was also "Superhero Day", so if you dressed up like a Superhero, you got half off. Needless to say, Superman had a blast!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Take it easy! PPPFFFFTTTT! I bricked a mail box 4 days before Jackson was born.