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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Well here we are...38 weeks

Here we are at 38 weeks. I have to be honest and say I am SHOCKED we are still waiting for the Princess to arrive. She continues to get bigger (which makes Mommy bigger), and stronger (which hurts Mommy). Several times at the doc apt this week, we had a hard time getting a heartrate as the little stinker continues to flip her position. Her head is very low and engaged, but her butt and body still flip from side to side. This is especially fun when she decides to kick or roll around. It will be all worth it in the end though. The C-section is confirmed for July 8th at 12:30pm, unless she comes sooner. So, at least we know she will be here in at least 9 days! Speaking of heartrate, we had to do a "Non-Stress Test" yesterday since Caelin's heartbeat was in the 160's. The doc just wanted to be sure she was not in stress. The picture looks a lot worse than it was! We really just watched TV for 25 minutes while they monitored her heartrate, number of times she moved, and any contractions. It all turned out perfect. Caelin was just moving around a lot, so her heartrate was a little high, but normal for her amount of movement. Doesn't that sound like our little Princess?! Hahahaha! Anyhow, here are this weeks stats for Caelin. We go to the doc next Tuesday, July 5th for our last apt.

Ps- Can you believe the size of my belly? Stats from 38 week appointment:

BP- 96/62

Caelin's HR- 160's

Weight- 166.4

Dilation- 0

Effacement- 0%

Contractions- None

1 comment:

Mike and Suzi :) said...

Why come out when there is a party in there?